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depends on the kind of guy he is. my POV is that you should be yourself and see if things work out if it doesn't then he's not your guy.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Confidence in a girl is a very important trait in a girl. But guys personalities are so much different, it's almost impossible to answer that. But most guys should want a confident girl.

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Girls like guys confidence?

Of course they do! Confidence is always key! Always remember that!!

What girls stand out to guys in a good way?

Just like guys that stick out to women, A guy is attracted to self confidence.

How do you be a ladies' man?

Although looks has a part to play, confidence is the number one factor in being attractive. Girls like guys who are sure of themselves are are "leaders" not followers. Girls like funny, down to earth guys. Don't confuse confidence with cockiness.

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Nowadays girls will go after guys, but a lot of girls like confidence in a guy. So when a guy asks a girl out the girl thinks hes confident in himself. Knowing this the guys go for the girls :)

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well since your young you really don't have to do much. Just go home look in the mirror and be confident in yourself. Girls like guys who know they have confidence.

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Self confidence man, self confidence. Women can usually tell when a guy doesn't like himself, and that is unattractive.

What kind of things do guys like about girls?

well, there are two types of guys. Guys who only cares about on the outside, their beauty, their body, their style, and their face. And there are some guys who likes girls for who they are, like their personality, their attitude, and their dreams. You should be yourself and don't worry about what guys think of you.

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When guys bite their lips & licks their lips, it gives girls a bit of a turn on.

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It's obvious.The girls just say these things because they actually like the guys.They are probably the types of girls that have lost their confidence at their 5th grade pro's because someone wouldn't dance with them.They're just thinking of the prom and figure that the guys will say no if they ask them if they like them.

What guys look for in girls?

The main thing they are looking for is confidence in a girl. you can ask anyone

Do girls like guys or just cars and money?

Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.

Why do girls go for jerks and not nice guys?

It's not accurate to say that all girls go for jerks. People are attracted to different qualities for various reasons. Some may be drawn to confidence or assertiveness, which can sometimes be mistaken for "jerk" behavior. It's important to remember that not all nice guys are overlooked, and healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding.