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Girls like confidence, and the guy might be a jerk but he's secure with himself.

Its because girls like dicks.... Get it? :D

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11mo ago

It's not accurate to say that all girls go for jerks. People are attracted to different qualities for various reasons. Some may be drawn to confidence or assertiveness, which can sometimes be mistaken for "jerk" behavior. It's important to remember that not all nice guys are overlooked, and healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding.

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14y ago

they dont hate nice guys

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Q: Why do girls go for jerks and not nice guys?
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Why do girls go after the jerks?

Jerks often have a confidence, albeit a false confidence, that is attractive to girls.

How come girls always go with the bad guys that treat them stupid instead with nice guys?

Girls go out with bad guys because there dad is mean or bad to them (that represent there dad) some girls go out with nice guy cuz there dad is nice to them. That's what usally they look for someone that acts like there dad because they want to remember him.

Why do girls like jerks instead of the sweethearts?

All girls aren't like that, you know. Plus, guys who are jerks often have become jerks because of a surfeit of self-confidence. People are attracted to them, and give them what they want, because of their looks or masculinity. There's a fine line between "knowing how to treat a lady" and wimpiness. In saying this, I'm not recommending that one treat a woman badly--there's never any excuse for that--I'm just saying that if all you have going for you is a reputation as a "nice guy," you have lots of lonely nights ahead of you. that's deffinitley not always true, if ur a guy then ur ojust talking about urself, don't calll urself nice. anyways it could be for popularity. but that sounds stupid. maybe the guys is just a jerk to u, maybe not to the girl.

What do you do if your a really nice guy but the girls only go for the mean guys?

Do what they tell u to do, be mean

I want to know the opinion of the girls Because I am always hearing not nice guys always get the girls what is you thoughts on this And do those relationships last?

Now, when the girls go for the mean or "not nice guys", they are not for you. What I mean is, you want to find a girl that fits you and doesn't just go for the mean and tough guys. Sometimes those relationships do last but then again, those are the kinds of girls that just are not for you. I hope I answered your question. -Dutch Flavor

Why 'nice guys' never get the girl?

Nice guys get girls too, just most girls go for the tough guys. We like guys who lead the relationship, so there isn't much expected from us... So sometimes, being tougher works more, but be urself and im sure u will find the right girl

Where should you go to meet nice guys?

at nice guys malls Church

Why do guys go for the girls that are jerks?

Becuause, Girls are like apples on trees, the best ones are at the top of the tree, and the boys are to afraid of climbing to get the good apples, they're afraid of getting hurt, so they settle for the bruised apples that have fallen off of the tree, you just have to wait for they guy that's brave enough to climb to the top of the tree. Gosh i sound like my mom, bottom line is, boys are to scared to go for the awesome girls like us so they settle for the girls that are jerks.

Im the nice guy but why do the mean guys get girls to like them?

The girl´s tend to go toward the bad boys.. But change for the girls.. you will find a girl who wans a nice guy just don´t rush anything!

Why do woman go for guys that treat them like crap?

"Women" don't do that. Immature girls do that. They go for the ones that treat them like crap so that they can gain pity from other people when they say "I just want a guy who treats me right!" The women worth dating don't go for jerks.

Why do boys go after girls?

Nowadays girls will go after guys, but a lot of girls like confidence in a guy. So when a guy asks a girl out the girl thinks hes confident in himself. Knowing this the guys go for the girls :)

What if you are attracted to girls more than guys?

if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot