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It depends, i mean on experience sometimes it depends how i feel and stuff..

but like if they take your hand away then leave it like the fact that NO SHE DONT WANT YOU TOO.. because if you force her she will most likely love you and want to have sex with you

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Abdoulaye camara

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βˆ™ 3y ago
do girl feel want touch her butt and who she feel
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βˆ™ 13y ago

some girls find it flatering some find it degrading

_ i agree with that.... im a girl and my boyfriend does that and i don't really mind cuz all hes doing is eaither slapping or grabbing but that's just me but some other girls like it and some dont_

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A good first step is buy her dinner, then tell her she's pretty..... Or smells nice but that's a little creepy...

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Q: Do girls like guys touching there butt?
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Only guys like big butts and maybe butts in general.

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It depends on the guy and the butt. Some guys don't care so much about girls' butts. If you have a well shaped bubble butt you will not fail to have guys appreciate it.

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I think it is the black guys go for the white girls with big butts. The girls can't help how their butt looks and the size of the butt doesn't make you like a certain race.

What do girls do to make guys like them?

Some girls show off what they have like butt and boobs but its dumb but alot of boys like it

What part of the body do guys like touching girls in sex mood?

It depends, if a guy knows a girl really well and has had sex with her before, he may know just where to touch her. However, if the guy is an idiot, he'll try to straight out touch her in places that make her uncomfortable (i.e. butt, breasts, etc.). Most guys have a habit of touching a girl's butt. It seems to not be as bad as touching a girl's breasts but most girls will be a little uncomfortable with it unless they are at a place with a lot of people and don't notice or are just very drunk.

Why do boys like girls that look like a pencil only?

Because guys are shallow butt-holes

Why do guys care about how big a girls butt is?

Boys like girls big butts because they like to put there stick up the girls hole.

Do emo girls like black guys?

Yes, they really do.

Why do black guys like girls with big bootys?

this is a stereotype. not all black guys like girls with big butts. Some prefer big boobs and other features not just the butt

Do girls like guys looking at their body?

depends on the girl and where you're looking. most girls like guys who look into their eyes or at their face, but they dont like guys looking at their chest/breasts, butt, and sometimes hips or stomach. but like i said, it depends on what kind of girl it is, but girls don't necessarily liked being looked at by their "body".

What is it about big girls that guys like?

We like girls for there nice curves. Nice tanned butt. Nice boos and a pretty face. Oh also personally.