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While you CAN, it isn't necessarily a good idea.

Just because you haven't had your period yet, doesn't mean your body isn't ready to create a baby. In fact, your period is pretty much the last indication that you get from your body that you're able to become pregnant.

Your period is basically what happens approximately a month after your uterus has been prepared and is waiting for the right boy to come along. No pun intended.

So just because you haven't had your period yet, doesn't mean your body is incapable of becoming pregnant on the first try.

Besides, unprotected sex also has all those other pesky possible side-effects... like STI's.

You'll want to steer clear of those. =)

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Q: Can you have unprotected sex if you havent ever had a period?
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yes you can

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Chances are Good. In fact you may already be pregnant, which is why you aren't having a period.

Can you be pregnant if you had unprotected sex the day after your period?


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yes yes, you can get pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex

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No, not unless you have had unprotected sex since your last period. Then there may be a chance.

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YES. Doesn't matter when you have unprotected sex, short of doing it when you are actually on your period you can get pregnant.

You had unprotected sex whilst on your period how soon can you do a test?

As soon as your first missed period.