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Q: Can you fall pregnant twelve days after your period?
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Can you fall pregnant 4 days before your period and still have a period?


Are the 5 days after period free not to fall pregnant?

The days of periods are safest days when pregnancy is really impossible.

Can you fall pregnant 3 days before your period?

It is unlikely unles you have an iregular period The most likely time to fal pregnant is half way through your cycle when yo ovulate and about the 4 days before and a 3 days after that.

Is it possible to get pregnant 16 days after menstruation?

Yes, it is definitely in the higher range of days to get pregnant. For a woman to get pregnant, she needs to ovulate (release a mature egg from her ovaries). For most women, ovulation occurs about 14 days after her period. But it can vary from month to month and/or for each woman. So it is possible that 16 days after your period, that you could fall pregnant.

What if you get pregnant a few days before your period?

This makes no sense - you only menstruate if you don't fall pregnant. It's also unlikely you'd be fertile so close to when you were due to menstruate.

Can you fall pregnant a couple of days before your period?

Pregnancy can accur anytime a women ovulates. A women can ovulate anytime of the month, even if they are on their periods!

Is it possible to get pregnant during periods?

Technically no, but it depends on when you ovulate - sperm can last in the uterus for up to 5 days, and if you ovulate very early in your cycle, then it is technically possible to fall pregnant. But highly unlikely. Average cycle is 28 days long, the first day of your period is the first day of your cycle, so if your period is 5 days long and you have sex on the last day of you period, the sperm can live until day 12 of your cycle. Most women with a 28-day cycle will ovulate on day 14 of their cycle, so you can see how it could be possible to fall pregnant during your period. You usually ovulate 14 days before the start of your new period.

Can you fall pregnant after a miscarriage without having your next period?

Oh yes, you can get pregnant right away after.

How common is it to fall pregnant during mid cycle with condom breaking?

Well, your prime time for pregnancy is around 14 days after your period. That is usually when most women ovulate.

Can you fall pregnant day 5 of my period?

It's biologically impossible to fall pregnant during menstruation, you can however become pregnant as a result of sex during your period as sperm can live up to a week, by which time you may ovulate. Unless you want to become pregnant you should always use birth control.

What if your period is 4 days late and 2 pregnancy tests is negative and you used a condom but your cycle is very regular?

If the condom did not fall off and there was no holes in it then there is no chance you are pregnant. Worrying about things and being poorly can affect your period. And sometimes a woman will miss a period for no reason.

I had miscarriage 3weeks ago and i haven see my period yet but i already making love with my husband can i fall pregnant before my period?

Yes you can fall pregnant as you will ovulate before you have a period. If you feel you are not quite ready yet to try for another baby please use contraception