Technically no, but it depends on when you ovulate - sperm can last in the uterus for up to 5 days, and if you ovulate very early in your cycle, then it is technically possible to fall pregnant. But highly unlikely. Average cycle is 28 days long, the first day of your period is the first day of your cycle, so if your period is 5 days long and you have sex on the last day of you period, the sperm can live until day 12 of your cycle. Most women with a 28-day cycle will ovulate on day 14 of their cycle, so you can see how it could be possible to fall pregnant during your period. You usually ovulate 14 days before the start of your new period.
Yes. it is possible. A woman can have a few periods or even regular monthly periods during pregnancy.
It is uncommon, but possible.
There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are low, they exist for all women. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.
Yes, safe period aren't safe only periods of varying probability. Out of couples relying on safe periods a full 19% gets pregnant during the first year.
YES, a woman can get pregnant during ANY DAY of the full cycle. even during your period. before during and after.
It is possible to get pregnant after Tubal Ligation as there is a failure rate for this procedure which must have been discussed before surgery.
It is possible to get pregnant at any time during your cycle.
Yes, the hymen has a hole in it to allow blood out during periods. It is possible if sperm comes in close contact to the vagina for the sperm to swim all the way inside and get someone pregnant. However it is probably pretty unlikely but it has happened
If the girl has already started her periods then yes.
Very unlikely.
not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)
It is unlikely but not impossible to get pregnant while you're having your period. Just like every woman is different, so are her hormonal balances and hence her menstrual cycle. Though there are generalities on which some ground basics of menstruation and pregnancy can be formed, eventually it all boils down to individual physiology. So, yes, you can get pregnant during your periods. There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are usually low during periods, they exist for all women. During periods, the chances of pregnancy are comparatively lower at the onset of a woman's period and increase just after her periods. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.