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Sleep was invented for a number of very good reasons

You use sleep to refresh you mind from the worries of the day

You use sleep to mend any cuts or bruises you have gained during the day

You use sleep to rest in a meaningful way

I am sure there are other reasons but I cannot think of any more at the moment

You may look up dreaming. Sometimes thought about a meaningless jumble off fantasies, there is also an element of reviewing memories with dreams. And, some studies have shown better performance on tasks carried out on successive days after sleeping and dreaming.

in some cases sleeping has also disadvantages because this may lead to obesity,laziness in doing such things as well as assignments in the case of students.sleeping is God's given gift to us in order for us to rest,refresh our minds and so that we are ready to face the challenges of another day.

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Q: Benefits of getting enough sleep
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What is the importance of getting enough rest and sleep?

That you will have enough energy for the day after.

What are effects of not getting enough sleep?

u can not do any work so u have to sleep

What causes you to be tired?

It could be because you are not getting enough sleep. However if you are getting enough sleep and you are still tired you need to see your doctor because that could be a sign of a medical condition.

How can you improve your brain?

By getting enough sleep, Eating healthy food, and getting the right education.

What are the reasons for not getting enough sleep?

It could be stress over work, you sleep to long, or it could be a sleep disorder but there are many things.

What are the benefits of getting more sleep?

Being less tired and being more energetic are just two of the benefits of getting more sleep. The more sleep you get the more "in-tune" you are to life. When you are tired all the time you miss a lot of stuff, become slow and cant keep up with the pace of your peers.

How to Achieve Healthy Living?

One tip to help you achieve healthy living is to get plenty of sleep each night. Depending on your own sleep needs, you might need eight hours of sleep or more. With today's busy environment, this can be difficult. It takes effort to carve out the necessary time to sleep. However, if you can manage to do this consistently, getting plenty of sleep has lots of benefits. Getting enough sleep has been shown scientifically to keep your heart healthy and to keep your cholesterol low.

What are three consequences of not getting enough sleep?

-Insomnia -loss of appetite -depression

How do you know if you are not getting enough sleep?

If, when you put your jeans on in the morning, they are still warm.

How do you remove the black marks under our eyes?

By getting enough sleep usually ...

Will getting enough sleep remove eye bags?

It may help to reduce them.