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That you will have enough energy for the day after.

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Q: What is the importance of getting enough rest and sleep?
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Why is it important to sleep enough?

If you don't get enough sleep your body doesn't have enough energy to do every day tasks. You need to rest your body. Your brain works better that way. REMEMBER TO GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!!

How do you treat a cough?

don't drink cold drinks and have enough rest and sleep

Why is getting a goods night sleep good for you?

So your brain can rest and you can dream

What the importance of rest and relaxation?

Sleep deprivation can lead to psychosis or even death. You need sleep to consolidate your memories and even to maintain a healthy body weight.

What is the recommended hour of sleep is it for a teenager?

Teenage period is when a boy or girl grows the most. Most of this growth in height and weight happens when you sleep. So, getting 8 hours if sleep is very important especially if you are a teenager who wants to grow nice tall and strong

What is the importance of sleep?

if you don't sleep enough then you won't be able to focus and you will irritableAnswer:Sleep helps to rest and repair the brain. The more hours that an individual stays forcibly awake, the more that damaged brain cells are suspended from repair. Read on the related link on how this was determined by an experiment in University of Wisconsin.

Why might someone be suffering from excessive sleepiness?

There are several reasons why a person might be suffering from excessive sleepiness. One reason is that a person may not be getting enough rest or sleep each night.

How do you get enough rest and sleep?

You can get by sleeping from 8 hrs to 10 hrs or sleep from 9:00 and wake up 5:00 in the morning

Are children that talk in their sleep getting good rest?

If it's not waking them up I don't see why not.

Why should you have enough sleep?

Your body needs sleep to recharge. Your brain is much more alert when you've had enough sleep, for example. Your body doesn't feel tired if you rest it every night, and your organs work better when they're rested.

Why is enough sleep important?

It gives your body and brain a change to rest and rejuvenate. Like a mini vacation! :)

What objects represents sleep?

Objects such as a bed, pillow, blanket, and eye mask can represent sleep. These items are commonly associated with getting rest and relaxation.