How can you not be worried when you're bleeding from a body part that doesn't normally bleed? Please, see a doctor.
its normal dont worry if you are really scared talk to your doctor especially if you got any type of Birth Control im on depo my baby is 6 months old and i still leak from my chest also
No indeed!! It shouldn't be leaking at anytime you are prego. Get checked out immediately!!!
a blood test tells you how many weeks you are when you are pregnant.
Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.
I'm 7 weeks pregnant. Oddly, it's pretty much just my left nipple that itches.
it is just stretched skin don't worry joymaker rn
probably not. If you had blood flow with it you need to see your doctor.
About 6 to 8 weeks after the piercing was done. Barbells are the favoured jewellery of choice with nipple piercings.
If you are 6 weeks pregnant, this brown discharge may be old blood from your last period. However, you should speak to your Doctor about this incase it is an infection.
36 weeks ago.
Then you are going to have a miscairrage.