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you need finish first the elite4 and finish the rayquaza event after you finish the rayquaza event STEVE gave u the hm rock climb (steve give a hm rock climb in AQUA TOWN)

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Q: Where is the hm rockclimb in Pokemon flora sky?
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Where can you find HM Rockclimb in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't. Rockclimb wasn't in those games. HM Climb can be obtained on Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire and later games.

How do you get the move HM rockclimb in Pokemon diamond?

go to route 217.

How do you get HM rockclimb in Pokemon diamond?

behind a house on the way to snowpoint city

Where do you find cut in flora sky?

In Flora sky the HM 'cut' is actually called HM air cutter. You find this HM in the underground tunnels of Searound city.

Where is the stranger in the water cave in Pokemon flora sky?

there is no stranger in water cave you have to find the hm waterfallwith surf

Where is the hm rockclimb in pokemon heartgold?

You get it from professor oak after you obtain all 16 gym badges

Where is the surf hm in the. flora sky?

first marry a doney

Where do you get the HM rockclimb in Pokemon HeartGold?

u get it from blue once you get all eight gym badges in kanto

How do you get to use rockclimb in Pokemon Soul Silver?

You must get the rock climb HM from professor oak after you beat blue.

How do you get the HM for Rockclimb in Pokemon Gold?

you get rock climb from professor oak after you beat all of the kanto gym leaders.

Where is the HM Rockclimb in HeartGold in dsi?

After you win all 16 badges go to Pallet Town and Professor Oak gives you the HM rockclimb.

Where is hm rockclimb in Pokemon Diamond?

It's on the snowy route up to Snowpoint City. It's next to a man's house who said he has lost the HM rock climb.