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Bianca gives it to you in Driftveil City after you beat her in a battle. :D

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13y ago
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12y ago

Go to pause menu, go to Pokemon, then go to Pokemon that has fly learned, press a, go to fly, select a town to fly to.

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12y ago

the hm fly will be give by bianca after you finish your battle to clay

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14y ago

It is HM 2

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Q: How do you get hm fly in Pokemon flora sky?
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First battle Chuck, the gym leader in Cainwood City. If you win, when you get out of the gym, his mum will give you HM 2, Fly.

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Where is HM Fly Anyone??!!?!?!?!??!? (HM Means Hidden Machine) LOL

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Where can you got the hm fly in Pokemon gold version?

Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse. Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse.

Where is the hm rockclimb in Pokemon flora sky?

you need finish first the elite4 and finish the rayquaza event after you finish the rayquaza event STEVE gave u the hm rock climb (steve give a hm rock climb in AQUA TOWN)

Where do you get the hm fly in pokemon diamond?

in veilstone city the team galactic warehouse the HM fly will be their.