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You can't catch staryu in firered only in leafgreen or ruby or sapphire or emerald.

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Q: Where is the best place to fish for the Pokemon staryu on fire red?
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Where can you find the Pokemon staryu on fire red?

In Fushia City you can get a Good Rod. Fish somewhere.

Where is the best place to find fire Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?

there is no best place, but you can find numel, torkoal,slugma in grass near the sandstorm

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The best place is route 211 where you get ponyta (there are some).

Where is the best place to train a fire Pokemon in FireRed?

Go to 7 Island, there are a whole lot of strong Pokemon there.

In Pokemon Fire Red what and where is the best place and way to train Pokemon?

I think the best place is cruelean cave, ninjas on kindle road (on island 1), and victory road.

Where do you catch Staryu in Firered?

You have to use a super rod in islands 4 or 5. You can can catch it in Pokemon fire red and leaf green both.

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