The best place is route 211 where you get ponyta (there are some).
Staryu are rare in the Pokemon games. To catch one, you must go to Vermilion City and use a super rod in some water. At first, all you'll get is lv. 18-21 Gyrados or lv. 20 krabby, but it's there.
I would definitely say bugsy's Pokemon gym in azeala town or ilex Forrest
There is no way to ONLY encounter fire pokemon, there are places where there is a high rate to catch fire pokemon. But there is no place where you can only catch fire pokemon.
The best place to use it especially if you want easy money is on the northeast cost of 5 island. There are 2 twins who give you either 20000 or 19600 when you beat them if your Pokemon is holding an amulet coin
In Fushia City you can get a Good Rod. Fish somewhere.
there is no best place, but you can find numel, torkoal,slugma in grass near the sandstorm
Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Marill, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Staryu, Pinsir, & Misdreavus.
Seafoam Islands.
Island seven.
The best place is route 211 where you get ponyta (there are some).
Go to 7 Island, there are a whole lot of strong Pokemon there.
I think the best place is cruelean cave, ninjas on kindle road (on island 1), and victory road.
You have to use a super rod in islands 4 or 5. You can can catch it in Pokemon fire red and leaf green both.
the best Pokemon in fire red is lugiaAnswerthe best Pokemon in fire red is lugia
At the ppl in the sea or 1 island
undergruond mineing in walls