At the ppl in the sea or 1 island
you should train sycher against fire and pshcik pokemon:D
The best place to train a lv 30 fire type in Pokemon diamond would be next to snow point city because there are lv 30 Pokemon there that ice and grass but run away from the sneasel.
Answer to fire red Pokemon gameCATCH 100 DIFFERENT KINDS OF POKEMON
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league
Seafoam Islands.
Go to 7 Island, there are a whole lot of strong Pokemon there.
At the ppl in the sea or 1 island
you should train sycher against fire and pshcik pokemon:D
The best place to train a lv 30 fire type in Pokemon diamond would be next to snow point city because there are lv 30 Pokemon there that ice and grass but run away from the sneasel.
Answer to fire red Pokemon gameCATCH 100 DIFFERENT KINDS OF POKEMON
I would definitely say bugsy's Pokemon gym in azeala town or ilex Forrest
It depends on your Pokemon's level. If it is in the 50-60 range, then train near Indigo Plateau.
Victory Road or Past Trainers Using the VS Seeker
find a place that has wild Pokemon the same level as it.
elite 4