In pokemon soul silver you get the item finder (dowsing mchn) in Ecruteak city. An ace trainer will give it to you. He is in the house on the left of the pokemon center and right of the gym. Hope this helped.
it is a item that you obtain in pokemon soul silver that you use to catch lugia the legendary bird in the whirl islands.
in Pokemon soul silver you will find it (it is not in the grass)
The Mist Stone was a fictional item thought up by fans during the Red/Blue days to explain a number of Pokemon that evolved from already fully-evolved Pokemon. There is no item by that name in any game so far. Are you perhaps thinking of a different item?
Of course soul silver is better. With thepokewalker it's a way to get a variety of pokemon. Also there kanto
its in victory road hidden use the item finder
you have to show the person inside his house and he will give u it
In soul silver and heart gold you find it in euritik city in one of the houses
look around with the item finder app on the poke watch.
to get a lucky in soul silver you have to catch a chansy and then take the item if it has a item
it is a item that you obtain in pokemon soul silver that you use to catch lugia the legendary bird in the whirl islands.
That item is only available in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
There's no item known as the Darkness Key in Pokemon. At all.
In the city with the 4th gym and burned tower. Answer yes to the guy who asks if u like treasure hunting.
The second item you need is the title bell.
make it hold the item "dragon scale" and then trade it
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver