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look around with the item finder app on the poke watch.

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Q: How do you get plain objects in soul silver?
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What are forest objects soul silver?

tree,stump,and branches

How do you get the ten rocky objects in soul silver?

Be more descriptive.

Peak objects in the safari zone in soul silver?

i dont really know the peak objects

How do you get peak objects in soul silver?

After you defeat Red ( who is in mt silver ) Boaba will call you and give you them

What are the plains objects soul silver?

a white flower a shrubbery and a red flower

What blocks do you have to place to get a bagon in soul silver?

You can either use 56 Rock objects or 35 Forest objects.

How do you breed a shinx in soul silver?

You need to catch one first. Then after you catch one, go to the daycare in Johto, and put the Shinx in the daycare. Then put a ditto in with it. They should have an egg. Depending what gender your Shinx is, put the opposite gender in with it. It can be any Pokemon not just a Shinx

Were to catch riolu in Pokemon soul silver?

In the Safari Zone (Meadow) with 10 Forest Objects and 14 Peak Objects after 70 days.

Where can you find a skorupi in soul silver?

safari zone wasteland area rock objects. satisfaction is not guarantied

How do you put 49 objects in the safari zone in soul silver?

put the objects where you want than come back every day for a week and your objects should level up

What are forest objects and peak objects in soul- silver?

Forest: Tree, stump, branches. Peak: Small rock, big rock, mossy rock.

How do you catch linoone soul silver?

In the safari zone, in the peak area, with 5 plains objects. Hope I helped! :)