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Can't be found, migrate from a GBA pack version of Pokemon or trade from diamond or pearl version.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is impossible to find one in Pokemon Platinum in the wild, but you can migrate one up from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. This is all I know.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

To make Clamperl evolve you have to trade it while holding a DeepSeaScale or DeepSeaTooth to another game. In-game trades won't work.

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Q: Where can you trade Clamperl in Pokemon sapphire?
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What does the deep sea scale do in Pokemon sapphire?

give to hold and then pkmn trade to make clamperl evolve into a gorebyss.

How do you get a huntail on Pokemon Sapphire?

First you get a Clamperl, and give it a Deep Sea Tooth. Then trade it, and it will evolve.

How do you get gorebyss and huntail in Pokemon sapphire?

Gorebyss and Huntail are the next evolution of Clamperl, somewhere in the game you get the choice between a deepseascale or a deepseatooth... You give it to your Clamperl and then trade your Clamperl as it is holding it. The deepseascale makes it turn into a Gorebyss The deepseatooth makes it turn into a Huntail

What does the deepseascale do in Pokemon sapphire?

When you trade a Clamperl with the deep sea scale through the cable link to another gameboy advance, it will evolve into a Gorebyss. Other than that it just doubles Clamperl's Sp. Defense when held.

When you have deepseascale what shall you do to evolve clamperl in Pokemon emerald?

Give the deepseascale to clamperl and trade and trade back and it will evolve into a huntail. Give the deepseascale to clamperl, trade and trade back and it will evolve into a huntail.

Where do you find clamperl on Pokemon platinum?

you don' can easily get one from Sapphire or ruby if you have it

Where do you get a Gorebyss in Pokemon ruby?

Trade a Clamperl with a Deepseascale.

How do you get clam pearl in pokemo'n platinum?

You migrate Clamperl from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.

Where to find a huntail in sapphire?

You can't find one, you have to Trade A clamperl and make it hold a DeepSeaTooth

How do you get gorebyss and huntail in sapphire without trading a clamperl?

Simply put? It can't be done. You MUST trade a Clamperl with a DeepSeaTooth or DeepSeaScale to evolve them into a Gorebyss or Huntail.

Where to find clamperl in Pokemon sapphire?

Clamperls are found when you use Dive, and roam in the grassy-areas. ^_^

What Pokemon evoles with dragon scale?

The Pokemon clamperl evolves with it f you trade it with the item