Give the deepseascale to clamperl and trade and trade back and it will evolve into a huntail. Give the deepseascale to clamperl, trade and trade back and it will evolve into a huntail.
Clamperl evolves by holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth and then trading it to another game, a DeepSeaTooth evolves it into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale evolves it into a Gorebyss.
A deepsea tooth is a tooth that makes clamperl evolve into huntail when the clamperl is holding it and is traded into anouther persons game. There is also a deepseascale which makes clamperl evolve into gorebyss in the same manner.
You must have a clamperl and let it hold the deepseatooth/deepseascale. Then, trade clamperl. If clamperl is holding the deepseatooth,it will evolve to Huntail. If it was deepseascale, it will evolve to a Gorebyss.
I think it's supposed to evolve your Clamperl into a rarish Pokemon that you can't get anywhere else in emerald, the deepseascale evolves it into somthing else too, I don't know which is the best, but I think the tooth is better and stronger for my clamperl, plus the other one is pink and ugly, (I HATE pink, BLAH!) but that's your choice of which one you want to have. -Kainachu, a Pokemon expert ^.^ Wells... A deepseaSCALE is a hold item for your CLAMPERL that raises its SP. DEF and thee deepseaTOOTH raises your CLAMPERL's SP. ATK. - A deepseatooth when given to a clampearl and traded evolves it into a Huntail. A deepseascale when given to a clampearl and traded evolves into a Gorebyss.
clamperl will evolve into gorebyss in trading it into a friend while holding a deepseascale and into huntail while trading it while holding deepseatooth
Clamperl evolves by holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth and then trading it to another game, a DeepSeaTooth evolves it into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale evolves it into a Gorebyss.
In Pokémon Emerald, Clamperl evolves as it's being traded while holding one of 2 items, the DeepSeaTooth or the DeepSeaScale. Clamperl will evolve into Huntail in the event of it holding the DeepSeaTooth and the DeepSeaScale will evolve it into Gorebyss.
A deepsea tooth is a tooth that makes clamperl evolve into huntail when the clamperl is holding it and is traded into anouther persons game. There is also a deepseascale which makes clamperl evolve into gorebyss in the same manner.
You must have a clamperl and let it hold the deepseatooth/deepseascale. Then, trade clamperl. If clamperl is holding the deepseatooth,it will evolve to Huntail. If it was deepseascale, it will evolve to a Gorebyss.
you make the clamperl hold the deepseascale then you trade.
trade clamper with a deepseatooth or a deepseascale dst:huntail dss:gorebyss.
you trade it with a deepseatooth or deepseascale
Yes Clamperl Does Evolve... You Get Either A Deapseatooth or Deepseascale From Capt. Stern after Obtaining the Scanner. Deepseatooth= Evolves Clamperl Into huntail By Giving Deepseatooth to clamperl To hold... then Trade it Deepseascale= Evolves Clamperl Into Gorebyss By Giving Deepseascale To Clamperl To Hold... Then trade it. Hope That Helps.
Yes. But if your thinking of trading a clamperl with a deepseatooth or deepseascale then don't bother it will evolve in the hands of the owner and will not register in your pokedex. And trust me unlike Red Version they will not give the Pokemon back because its not the one they wanted.
give it a pearl .
The Deepseascale evolves a Clampearl into a Gorebyss. If you have a Deepseatooth your Clampearl can evolve into a Huntail YOU NEED TO TRADE YOUR CLAMPEARL FOR IT EVOLVE.
The DeepSeaTooth is a hold item, capable of evolving Clamperl. To use it, have Clamperl hold the item, then trade the Pokemon. When it arrives, it should evolve into a Huntail. Alternatively, if you trade a Clamperl with a DeepSeaScale, it will evolve into a Gorebyss.