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I guess the best is Manectric in emerald.You can catch electrike north of slateport city.

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Q: Where can you find the best electric Pokemon to catch in emerald?
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Best Pokémon to catch in Pokémon emerald?

The best Pokemon to catch in emerald is rayquaza. It has great speed and awesome strength. If you teach it the right it might the strongest Pokemon.

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Ground type Pokémon as electric moves have no effect on them.

Which Pokémon you can catch in Pokémon Emerald?

Pokemon emerald is based on the hoen pokemon..since it is the hoen region.Look in a site called bulbapedia[best site for pokemon].

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Any Pokemon with ice or electric moves

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water, leaf, fighting, psychic, electric, there are a few good normal Pokemon too. if these are not available try and stick with electric and water

What is the best Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon emerald?

Rayquaza/Groudon/Kyogre each are level 70 and the only legendaries. And Latios/Latias

Where is the best place to catch Tropius in Pokemon Emerald?

to catching tropius in emeraldthe only place to catch tropius is route 119 duuhhh

Where is the best place to catch a water Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?

I'd say around Mossdeep City where you could use dive and surf.

What can you catch with the good rod on emerald?

for me the best Pokemon you can catch with the good rod is carnavina.the rest are magicarp,goldeen and psyduck(psyduck is found in the safari zone)

What is the best way to beat the Elite Four and Champion in Pokemon Emerald version?

go catch rayquaza and poof its a breeze

What is the best Pokemon hack?

Pokemon Emerald 387? can catch every Pokemon without trading like get onix to some level and it will evolve to steelix, it is a hack of Pokemon emerald 386, its 387 because you can catch the infamous Missing No. (Located in the grassy patch in littleroot town with all the grassy starters)oh forgot type this to get Pokemon emerald 387