Scatterbug evolves into Spewpa starting at level 9.
It will later evolve into Vivillon once it reaches level 12.
Espurr evolves into Meowstic starting at level 25.
No, Mewtwo cannot evolve into Mewthree. Mewthree isn't an existing Pokémon however Mewtwo can use a Mega Stone in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y in order to mega evolve during battle into MegaMewtwo.
Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse by trading while holding the item Sachet.
Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into either Mega Mewtwo Y or Mega Mewtwo X.
You can evolve Eelektrik by using a thunderstone.
At level 42.
Mewtwo cannot evolve, but it can mega evolve temporarily in Pokemon X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Omega Ruby by letting it hold a Mewtwonite X or Mewtwonite Y.
Chimecho is unable to evolve as of Pokemon X and Y. Chimecho does evolve from a Pokemon called Chingling when it's at max happiness and during night time.
No, because Mega Evolution wasn't introduced until Pokemon X and Y.
Espurr evolves into Meowstic starting at level 25.
Machop evolves into Machoke at level 28.
Ducklett evolves at level 35.
Does Bergmite evolve
Mewtwo is the ultimate Psychic type legendary Pokemon. It was introduced in the first generation and does not evolve into any other Pokemon, although as of the sixth generation it can mega evolve into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y.
Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse by trading while holding the item Sachet.