Mewtwo is the ultimate Psychic type legendary Pokemon. It was introduced in the first generation and does not evolve into any other Pokemon, although as of the sixth generation it can mega evolve into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y.
No. Neither of the Pokemon evolve.
You cannot evolve Murkrow in FireRed.
you can't Mew and Mewtwo are two completely different pokemon. Mewtwo is accually a clone of the original Mew. So... no, you can't evolve Mew into Mewtwo.
MEW DOES NOT EVOLVE INTO ANY POKEMON INCLUDING MEWTWO he gave live birth to mewtwo (or as the anime series says, he was the base of the cloned mewtwo
Mew does not evolve, Mewtwo is a completely different pokemon.
mewtwo can not evolve because he is one of those Pokemon that do not evolve.
There is no "Mewthree". Mewtwo does not evolve from or into another Pokemon because it is a legendary Pokemon.
You can find Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave.
No. Neither of the Pokemon evolve.
no, firered or leafgreen
You can get Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave.
in sevuelt canon on the seven island but you need a rain bow pass first by the way could you tell me how to evolve mewtwoyou cant evolve mewtwo
Mewtwo, yes, if you have a FireRed or LeafGreen with Mewtwo.
ditto does not evolve on firered or leafgreen
You cannot evolve Murkrow in FireRed.
Mewtwo is a copy of mew and doesn't evolve from or to any other pokemon.
you can't Mew and Mewtwo are two completely different pokemon. Mewtwo is accually a clone of the original Mew. So... no, you can't evolve Mew into Mewtwo.