Say Open the Plank!
that's the wrong answer from drake
you have to show her a mr. mime and then go around the room three times. She will giggle.
that is not true you go to a website that tells you what to say to her but i forgot what it was
the website is
Go to and follow the instructions.
The word is different for everyone. There is a generator online which determines what you have to say to her in order for her to laugh. Refer to the related links below.
Go to and follow the instructions. do it, it's really cool. telling her the phrase that generates will let you create customized wallpapers for your PC boxes :D
It is impossible to make a Pokemon know more that 4 moves in Pokemon Emerald and any Pokemon game. It is hard coded into the games for a Pokemon to never know more than 4 moves. While a Pokemon can learn more than 4 moves it can only know 4 at a time.
Go to and follow the instructions.
bahhaha its relly easy your a noob
impossibleNo its not ask What is a Pokemon ID and how do you get the little girl to laugh and it`ll tell you!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pitagoras: actually it is possibly to knowuse this link to make a word and the girl thing is to make your own wallpaper so whit this link you can make the codes to make your own wallpaper bye
There are various phrases that could be used to make Wanda laugh in Pokémon Emerald. You can go to the site, and use the secret word generator. Once you have a word generated tell it to Wanda's father and he will give you a free wallpaper.
The word is different for everyone. There is a generator online which determines what you have to say to her in order for her to laugh. Refer to the related links below.
It depends on your ID number. Go here to get the word that will make her laugh. See related link below.
Go to and follow the instructions.
There is no word or phrase but there is a combination of letters and numbers you can say go to this will explain everything you must do you will also get a special suprise =D Hope this helps
because they can make her laugh, girls love it when you make them laugh...
Once you make Wanda laugh, her Father Gives you a new wallpaper for your pc. If you make her laugh again with a DIFFERENT word, the OLD wallpaper is replaced by the NEW wallpaper
Tickle his sack.
Give the girl the drinks from the vending machine Give the girl the drinks from the vending machine