Once you make Wanda laugh, her Father Gives you a new wallpaper for your pc. If you make her laugh again with a DIFFERENT word, the OLD wallpaper is replaced by the NEW wallpaper
Dialga is not in that Pokemon Emerald. Back when that game was made, Dialga didn't exist.
You can't.Sorry, you can't you can't even transfer it. When they made Emerald Heatran wasn't in excistance. You'll have to go to stark mountain on Pokemon pearl or diamond. Sorry.
Darkrai is unobtainable in the original Hoenn games and before. He was revealed in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum first, which were made way after Emerald.
i dont believe so because the wireless adapters were made for leafgreen and firered which came out after RSE
You can, you have to go to Fuschia city where the safari zone was in leaf green and fire red. After that save it and turn it off to get to the home screen then click migrate from emerald UPDATED BY HEARTLESS: Make sure you don't forget to capture the Pokemon in Pal Park! I've made that mistake before, when I had no clue what I was doing, and I thought my Pokemon were lost!
Pokemon snap or Pokemon emerald
No, because gold was made for gameboy color, and emerald was made for gameboy advance
Dialga is not in that Pokemon Emerald. Back when that game was made, Dialga didn't exist.
Red version was not made to migrate with emerald.
No pokemon games were made for the virtual boy.
no, of course not! Pokemon DP wasnt made back then when Pokemon sapphire, emerald and ruby was made...
No, because when Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal were made, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald weren't made, thus that makes it not a existing Pokemon then.
The whole NINTENDO company made emerald, I don't think there was a single person who thought of the idea.
doesn't matter now. i made it
You can't.Sorry, you can't you can't even transfer it. When they made Emerald Heatran wasn't in excistance. You'll have to go to stark mountain on Pokemon pearl or diamond. Sorry.
Darkrai is unobtainable in the original Hoenn games and before. He was revealed in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum first, which were made way after Emerald.
you cant. victini is only in black and white. just like you cant get a piplup in emerald because there was no such thing as a piplup in pokemon emerald so the people who made the game made sure that you could transfer pokemon from kanto, jhoto, hoenn, and sinnoh to unova, but not vice versa.