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Darkrai is unobtainable in the original Hoenn games and before. He was revealed in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum first, which were made way after Emerald.

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Q: How do you get Darkrai in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you find Darkrai in Pokemon emerald?


Is Darkrai in Pokemon Emerald?

No. Darkrai first appeared in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl which is after Pokemon Emerald.

What are the gameshark codes for Darkrai in Pokemon Emerald?

Darkrai doesn't exist in Emerald. Emerald is a generation 3 game while Darkrai was introduced in generation 4. Therefore, there is no Gameshark code for Pokemon Emerald version that will cause a Darkrai to appear.

Here can you get Darkrai on emerald?

It is impossible to get Darkrai on Emerald due to the fact that Darkrai did not exist at the time Emerald was released.

How do you get darkrai in Pokemon emmerald gba?

Darkrai first appeared in the Sinnoh games. (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum) It was never shown in the Hoenn games, so it is unobtainable in Pokemon Emerald, for it was not known then.

How get drakrai Pokemon?

You can not in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. Also, it's spelt "Darkrai" You can get in an event on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Can you find Darkrai on emerald?


What Pokemon evolves into Darkrai?

No Pokemon evolves into darkrai.

Do you get Darkrai as a partner Pokemon in Pokemon Rangers Shadow of Alima?

no,you get darkrai as a friend pokemon.

Is Darkrai the 2 strongest Pokemon?

no, and darkrai is one pokemon. haha

Can you level up a level 100 Pokemon in emerald?

nope i have a darkrai level 100 and it wont go higher same in emerald just with rayquaza and latios but can you please tell me what Pokemon your talking about you don't have to i am just wondering yourwelcome for the help

Were is Darkrai in Pokemon Pearl?

You dont catch Darkrai in Pokemon Pearl. You can catch it in Pokemon Platinum at level 40.