you must hit the squirtle in the middle where there is a mankey annoying the three squirtle. mankey will fall and hit the switch. It will take a while as the squirtle flee as soon as they see you.
drifloon which is found on fridays at Valley windworks.
Pokemon #065 is drifloon. It should be in the valley windworks only on Friday afternoons.
In frony of Valley windworks on Friday.
Go to the Valley Windworks on a Friday, it will be out the front.
there is no team plasma in pokemon platinum I think it was team galactic
You know where the squirtles are with the mankey mocking them.... what you do it hit the middle 1 until it zooms up the hill. After that the mankey will fall on the other side, then hit it, it will then fall back on switch opening the does take a while.Caitlin..if there is anything else email meKatie-monster@hotmail.comGood luck. it took me a while.
Sometimes there's balloon Pokemon there.
in a valley where wind is
Pokemon Food - Get at least a total of 24,000 points. Pester Ball - Get at least a total of 72,500 points.Poke Flute - After meeting Prof. Oak in the Valley, get a picture of at least one PKMN sign. Dash Engine - Meet up with Prof. Oak in the Valley course.
Mist Valley Soldier must survive the battle, for it to be able to activate its effect. If it was destroyed by battle, it will not activate and will not return the other monster to hand.
The valley windworks
a valley on six island
Of course not!
Valley Windworks is in the right side of Floaroma Town
valley windworks on Friday
Try in the Valley.
to get to ruin valley on Pokemon leafgreen you have to get the ruby in mt. Ember and bring it back to celio then go to six island