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Ditto can breed with any pokemon. ( except legendaries)

Hope this helped! :D

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āˆ™ 14y ago
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āˆ™ 13y ago

Yes you can but it becomes eevee

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Q: Can a Ditto and Flareon breed?
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If you breed a flareon with a ditto will you get a flareon egg or an Eevee egg?

you will get an eevee because a flarion is the grown up version of eevee

What Pokemon do you put in the day care on island 4 to get a evvevon fire red?

Either a boy vaporeon,flareon,or jolteon and a girl vaporeon,flareon, or jolteon. Or breed it with a ditto

How do you evolve an eevee into a Flareon on Pokemon Pearl?

You can't preevolve Pokemon so you if you want another evee breed flareon with ditto, or if the flareon is a female you could breed it with another Pokemon, as long as they are from the same egg group.

Can you breed a flareon on Pokemon platinum?

Absolutely!Just get a ditto and breed it. :]You'll get an eevee egg, though.Just give it another fire stone, or, if you have AR, just duplicate it. :]Hope I helped!

What do you do if your flareon doesn't like Ditto?

You shouldn't have to do anything because Flareon will like Ditto, they're breeding compatible so they'll breed but breeding for them to lay a Pokémon Egg will just take awhile if they have the same original trainer however if they have different Original Trainers then the breeding for an Egg will be a lot faster.

Can Snorlax breed with Ditto?

any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto

Can you you get an Eevee egg with a flareon and ditto?

Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.

Can grotle breed with a Ditto?

anything can breed with ditto.

What Pokemon is in the egg if you breed a Ditto with a Ditto?

Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.

Can you breed Ditto with a empoleon?

yes ditto can breed with empoleon

Can you breed Ditto and Infernape?

Any Pokemon can breed with ditto.