xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
Preferably the Xbox 360 Jasper chip models are the best because of the new and improved cooling system and GPU chip. Most Jasper chip models will also include the HDMI port, I think even the Aracade has a HDMI now. Older Xbox's had a bad reputation for problems. Models such as the falcon and xenon chip xbox's overheating fast so defintley go for a Jasper model.
You can't since the Xbox 360 has better graphics and things you can do on an Xbox 360. And considering that the Xbox 360 came out after the Xbox.
you can get your xbox 360 ac adapter to work with your xbox 360
Yes, I have an xbox 360 with a jasper chip (yes I am sure it is a jasper) and my 360 gets only slightly warm after running halo 3 for 6 hours straight. It stays much cooler then my laptop or wii and and is the coolest (as in temerature) electronic divice I own. My xbox 360 works very well I have not had lag, freezing, or the rrod. If you are going to get a 360 get a one with a jasper chip to check if you have a jasper look on the power brick its should say, PSU Output: 150w. Yes the jasper chip works, it works very
hey , no the jasper mainboard is perfect , i have an xbox 360 elite with jasper board , i play about 6 or 7 hours a day but it's works very good , i don't think the jasper versions have rrod problem, i am from Iran , sorry for my bad English ...
The Jasper xbox 360 is more reliable than any other chipset ever used in the Xbox 360. If you want to know look on the back it should say 12,1A 5 volts. The Jasper xbox is better because instead of 90 nanometer GPU and 65 nanometer CPU like the Falcon motherboard, it uses both 65 nanometer, allowing for better energy use and cooler temperatures. I would not use an intercooler for a jasper xbox 360, simply because they are unreliable.
I do believe that all models of Xbox 360 that were produced after August 2009 will have a Jasper chip. However I think they are discontinuing the 60gb pro model and only the arcade, elite and MW2 super elite will be sold in shops brand new.
arcade version is for 16999 with new jasper board. if you want more details google it.
xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.
xbox 360 xbox 360 XBox 360
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
XBOX 360 is the best. XBOX 360 is my dream. XBOX 360 is my life.
Preferably the Xbox 360 Jasper chip models are the best because of the new and improved cooling system and GPU chip. Most Jasper chip models will also include the HDMI port, I think even the Aracade has a HDMI now. Older Xbox's had a bad reputation for problems. Models such as the falcon and xenon chip xbox's overheating fast so defintley go for a Jasper model.
You can't since the Xbox 360 has better graphics and things you can do on an Xbox 360. And considering that the Xbox 360 came out after the Xbox.