

Best Answer

Pear, fear, feat, meat, beat, neat, heat, seat.

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Q: Words with ea in the middle?
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What is a four letter word with EA in the middle?

There is a huge number of 4 letter words that have ea in the middle. bead beak beam bean bear beat and so on

Words that have ea in the middle?

appeasebeachbeanbeatbearbeadbreadbeambleachbreastbeastcleatceasecheatcreatedreaddeardealfleasfeastfeathergreat, greater, greatestheat, heaterheal, healerhead, headerheapheatherhear, heard, hearing, hearslead, leader, leading, leadsjealousleafleak, leaks, leakingleanleapleaseleatherleashleastpleasurepleadpleatneat, neater, neatenovereatoverheatpeaspeasantpheasantpleasepleaspleasantpearlpeacepealreleasereadrealsealrevealsurrealseagullseamsealsearseatstealsneakstreakstreamsheartearteamteatreaddreadwheatweanvealzealzealous

List 5 letter words with ea in it?


Words with e in the middle?

Some words with E in the middle are:angelicbeebedbegbetbleedbreadbreedcheatdendreaddwelleelfedfeefenfezfleetfreedomfreshgazellegeegemgeneralgetgreatgreengreetguesshemhenherkegledlegletmenmetneenetpeevepegpenperpetpieceredscienceSeptembersetshearsheetspeedspellspendsteadsteedteatentheretreadtreattirelessvetwedweewetwheatwhereyeayenyesyesterdayyetyew

What 3 letter words have a in the middle?

Some three letter words that have an A in the middle are:bagbahbanbarbatbaycabcadcamcancapcarcatcawcaydabdaddamdayeareatfadfanfarfatfaxgabgadgaggalgapgasgayhadhaghamhasHathayjabjamjarjawjaylabladlaglaplawlaymadmanmapmarmatmawmaynabnagnapnaypadpalpanparpatpawpayragrahramranrapratrawraysadsagsapsatsawsaxsaytabtadtagtamtantaptartattaxvanvatwadwagwanwarwaswaxwayyakyamyapyawzap

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What is a four letter word with EA in the middle?

There is a huge number of 4 letter words that have ea in the middle. bead beak beam bean bear beat and so on

What are two words with a long e sound but spelled ea?

The EA sounds like EE in many words, including easy and please.

Words that have ea in the middle?

appeasebeachbeanbeatbearbeadbreadbeambleachbreastbeastcleatceasecheatcreatedreaddeardealfleasfeastfeathergreat, greater, greatestheat, heaterheal, healerhead, headerheapheatherhear, heard, hearing, hearslead, leader, leading, leadsjealousleafleak, leaks, leakingleanleapleaseleatherleashleastpleasurepleadpleatneat, neater, neatenovereatoverheatpeaspeasantpheasantpleasepleaspleasantpearlpeacepealreleasereadrealsealrevealsurrealseagullseamsealsearseatstealsneakstreakstreamsheartearteamteatreaddreadwheatweanvealzealzealous

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Why did EA stop selling battle for Middle-earth 2?

They didnt

What words have a short a sound spelled with ea?

Oh, what a lovely question! Words like "bread," "head," and "dead" have the short 'a' sound spelled with 'ea'. Just imagine those words as little happy trees in your painting of the English language, adding a touch of warmth and familiarity to your vocabulary garden. Keep on exploring and discovering new words, my friend!

List 5 letter words with ea in it?


What words have a short e sound spelled ea?

There are a few EA words that have a short E sound. They include the rhyming words bread, dead, dread, head, lead (substance), read (past tense), spread, stead, thread, and tread. Other EA words are sweat, threat, breast, deaf, treachery and treacherous.