There is a huge number of 4 letter words that have ea in the middle. bead beak beam bean bear beat and so on
Pear, fear, feat, meat, beat, neat, heat, seat.
For questions or general concerns, the email address for the video game company EA would be A letter could also be mailed to the secretary in Redwood City, California.
EA Replay happened in 2006.
Ea for short is Electronic Arts A game developer
"Head" is considered a long "ea" word because the "ea" makes the long vowel sound of "ee" in this word.
Yes, the word "dream" has a long "e" sound in the middle.
Because the 'ea' vowel blend forms one phoneme, or speech sound, there are four phonemes in 'steam': s / t / ea / m
There are the phonemes, or speech sounds, in the word peach: p / ea / ch
"porn-ea" is not a real word, so it has no equivalent in Hebrew.
The "ea" in "great" makes a long 'a' sound because the 'e' is silent in this word, and the 'a' follows the long-vowel sound rule for 'ea'. In English, 'ea' can represent different sounds based on the word it's used in.
There are 4 phonemes in the word PLEASE: /p/ /l/ /i/ /z/.