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There is a huge number of 4 letter words that have ea in the middle. bead beak beam bean bear beat and so on

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Q: What is a four letter word with EA in the middle?
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Is head a long ea word or a short ea word?

"Head" is considered a long "ea" word because the "ea" makes the long vowel sound of "ee" in this word.

Does dream have a long a sound?

Yes, the word "dream" has a long "e" sound in the middle.

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How many phonemes are in the word steam?

Because the 'ea' vowel blend forms one phoneme, or speech sound, there are four phonemes in 'steam': s / t / ea / m

How many phonemes are in the word peach?

There are the phonemes, or speech sounds, in the word peach: p / ea / ch

What is the Hebrew word for pornography- ea?

"porn-ea" is not a real word, so it has no equivalent in Hebrew.

Why does the ea in great make a long a sound?

The "ea" in "great" makes a long 'a' sound because the 'e' is silent in this word, and the 'a' follows the long-vowel sound rule for 'ea'. In English, 'ea' can represent different sounds based on the word it's used in.

How many phonemes are in the word PLEASE?

There are 4 phonemes in the word PLEASE: /p/ /l/ /i/ /z/.