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Some three letter words that have an A in the middle are:

  1. bag
  2. bah
  3. ban
  4. bar
  5. bat
  6. bay
  7. cab
  8. cad
  9. cam
  10. can
  11. cap
  12. car
  13. cat
  14. caw
  15. cay
  16. dab
  17. dad
  18. dam
  19. day
  20. ear
  21. eat
  22. fad
  23. fan
  24. far
  25. fat
  26. fax
  27. gab
  28. gad
  29. gag
  30. gal
  31. gap
  32. gas
  33. gay
  34. had
  35. hag
  36. ham
  37. has
  38. Hat
  39. hay
  40. jab
  41. jam
  42. jar
  43. jaw
  44. jay
  45. lab
  46. lad
  47. lag
  48. lap
  49. law
  50. lay
  51. mad
  52. man
  53. map
  54. mar
  55. mat
  56. maw
  57. may
  58. nab
  59. nag
  60. nap
  61. nay
  62. pad
  63. pal
  64. pan
  65. par
  66. pat
  67. paw
  68. pay
  69. rag
  70. rah
  71. ram
  72. ran
  73. rap
  74. rat
  75. raw
  76. ray
  77. sad
  78. sag
  79. sap
  80. sat
  81. saw
  82. sax
  83. say
  84. tab
  85. tad
  86. tag
  87. tam
  88. tan
  89. tap
  90. tar
  91. tat
  92. tax
  93. van
  94. vat
  95. wad
  96. wag
  97. wan
  98. war
  99. was
  100. wax
  101. way
  102. yak
  103. yam
  104. yap
  105. yaw
  106. zap
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