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No. Only 4.2 deletes Homebrew. (in which case you can re-install it using the new Bannerbomb) As of now, the best way to get 4.1 is out of the update included on newer games, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii. If you want to skip these updates, always run the game with Gecko OS.

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Q: Will upgrading to Wii system menu 4.1 delete homebrew channel?
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Related questions

Do you have to download the Homebrew channel on a computer?

No, you can run it on any system that has a Homebrew channel from a site or download.

What are the dangerous parts of the homebrew channel?

If you download a Wii System Update, it removes the Homebrew channel. Also, downloading it may "brick" your Wii, which makes it unusable.

What app deletes ios and system memory on homebrew channel?

AnyTitle Deleter MOD.

Will the Homebrew channel mess up your Wii?

No unless you download an app that deletes IOSes and the System Menu

Chances of your wii being bricked by homebrew channel if you have update 3.1?

0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001% if you leave the system files alone

How do you remove dsi channels?

To delete DSi channels that you have downloaded, you must go to: -System settings --Data Management Then select the channel you want to delete, and choose "Delete" Note that this will only work on channels that you have downloaded and not on the DSi channels that come with it. Those can only be moved to different channel locations and not deleted.

How do you delete your progress on Super Smash Bros for the wii?

Deleting Game Saves on the WiiStart the Wii console. Once the system starts, you will be taken to the Channel Page.Open the System Menu.Find the game you want to delete.Once you've located the proper save, select it with the A button on the Wiimote. ...Select Delete to delete that save.

Is the homebrew channel illegal?

Some applications are legal and some are illegal. The ones that involve piracy (such as usb loaders) are illegal.

How do you setup homebrew channel that hacks Mario kart wii?

Homebrew Channel and Mario Kart Wii are very different matters. There's plenty of videos on youtube about it, but I'll give you a quick run-through. NOTE: If your Wii System menu is version 4.4 or higher, you cannot get Homebrew Channel: End of story. If your Wii is version 4.3, you can use Super Smash Bros Brawl Smash Stack in order to obtain Homebrew Channel (this is how I did it). This method works for USA Europe and Japanese Wiis, not Korean. There are other ways to get the HBC with lower versions, which I don't know so you could search up on youtube. Okay, Mario Kart Hacking: When you have Hombrew Channel and Browser set up, you need to download Ocarina or Gecko (I use Ocarina) onto your HBC. Download code manager onto your PC and must have SD Card NOT SDHC card. Transfer codes from your computer to your wii. Watch tutorials on how to do it, they'll be better than me. :)

Can you put a flash drive on a wii for internet connection?

Yes, it is possible to physically connect a USB Flash drive to the Wii using one of the two USB ports in the back. However, no official applications support a USB Flash drive currently. The Homebrew Channel, an unofficial softmod, is able to load homebrew applications from a Flash drive, and most homebrew now supports writing to it as well.

If you have a wii how do you use Nintendo wi-fi usb connector?

i have a cracked wii system and i lovee it. u need the proram which i cannot give u because of restictions of enternet. you need a hardrive, nd some games on it from the program. the homebrew channel will download on it, and, something called a USB GX downloader with all the games. Above answer is not supported by Nintendo. Please read this webpage on how to connect the USB connector: Installing a homebrew channel will void your warranty, and prevent you from sending it in to Nintendo, should it break.

Delete a partition on the system drive?

delete a partition on the system disk (C)