dpg jpeg mp3 jpg aiv
Files aren't limited by the Acekard, but by Moonshell, the homebrew app you need to view pictures. I believe it supports .jpg .bmp . gif and .png
You dont got the right version of kernel or maybe you don't got moonshell or maybe you are a liar or maybe your R4 is crapp or maybe you are stupid
I'm sorry there deleted or you can go get someone who's a computer expert
To put movies on your AK2i you will need 3 things.MoonShell installed on your AK2iA videoA video converter (Super is a good one)All you need to do is convert the video to .DPG format, then put it in your "Movies"(or whatever you have chosen)folder, then run the .DPG file in MoonShell on your AK2i.
you do the same as if your puting moonshell on a ttds
in a shop
Other software exists for this, but I recommend MoonShell. The R4DS firmware alone cannot play music.
mp3 can be played directly without moonshell with an Acekard. DSi can also play AAC
geuss i can tell ya! http://www.cyclopsds.com/downloads/moonshell-evo-1.71-release3.rar here u go!!!!!!! i tried it, it doesnt work
use moonshell. http://dl.qj.net/index.php?pg=19&src=moonshell&catid=220&go.x=0&go.y=0
The MoonShell player works with a number of electronic products. It will work with the Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and also the Nintendo 3DS.
Buy an R4DS, download the games for free, and with the R4 data, (which you also need to download) there should be a file called Moonshell, (there are many different improved versions of Moonshell, so if it says Moonshell 2 or 3 or higher, it means you have an improved version) and as long as it is there, you will have your DS cheat data for as many free games as you want.
dpg jpeg mp3 jpg aiv
you need a cyclo ds you need a cyclo ds
MoonShell can play dpg files, it doesn't matter what the file name is.
you need dpg converter to play on the moonshell . ( that's if you have an r4 cart)