Probaby so.Usually a master ball captures Pokemon with no problem...but soemtimes if the Pokemon's strong enough, it can and will try to break free.
You are wrong NOTHING breaks out of a Master Ball. THAT is why it is a MASTER BALL. You can use it on anything and it will catch it... it is the SURE capture Ball. That is why there is only ONE you can get in the story and the others are mega hard to get. (IE getting one through the Lottery.) And that is why you save it for something that is hard to catch like (in the original games) Mewtwo.
BTW Pokemon MAY TRY to break free but they won't.
an ultra ball. if its in gba good is one ,,cheat'' use b and down arrow.
get a high level Pokemon that can use mean look ,mean look keeps a Pokemon form running away or flieing.
wild in kanto ( after beting elite 4) if you have bulbasur then you get entei, if you have squirtle then you get Raikou, but if you have charmander you get suicune but to catch them you need a master ball i hope i helped you :-) :-) use master ball because of the (roaming roar glitch) if they use roar on u, they disappear from the game forever ( i hate this glitch )
No but i have heard that you can use it like a master ball on latias
there are 2 master ball s and a master ball is rare you can only use it for kyogre requaza groudon salmence fly gon and the rest of the strongest Pokemon a master ball always captures a Pokemon no Pokemon can break out its in possible
No! Get him in red and put him to sleep
probably on mewtwo, suicune, raikou, or entei
The best Poke Ball to use on any legendary Pokemon is usually the Master Ball.
an ultra ball. if its in gba good is one ,,cheat'' use b and down arrow.
You can use the Master Ball on any Pokemon you want to use it on, but I would use the Master Ball on roaming Pokemon, since they are difficult to keep them in the battle without fleeing. The roaming Pokemon includes: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Latias, Latios, Mesprit, and Cresselia.
you have the best chance of finding and catching raikou(or any of the legendary dogs) on route 1.(use your master ball. raikou can run away.)
One of the roaming Pokemon ex. Raikou, Entei, Latios, Latias
You should use it on either entei, raikou or scuicune if you pick squirtle ull have raikou if you pick bulbasaur ull have entei and if you pick charmander youll have scuicune
No. You should use your masterball on a wandering legend like Raikou, Entei, or Latias.
After obtaining the national dex, beating the elite four and delivering the ruby and sapphire you can find raikou anywhere around kanto i suggest looking on Route 1 when you do find it use the master ball on it.
get a high level Pokemon that can use mean look ,mean look keeps a Pokemon form running away or flieing.
use a master ball use a master ball