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No but i have heard that you can use it like a master ball on latias

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Q: Can you use luxury ball as a master ball?
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Is a luxury ball the best thing to use on latias?

No. a Master Ball is yes, but is has a lower rate catch than ultra ball so ultra ball is or if a Pokemon who's battling Latias and lasts long, timer ball is good at that point

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NONE!! Except for the master ball. i have heard that luxury ball can also be used like a master ball on latias comment but i have wobbufet as my first pokemon,then i found a latias,then i caught it with two ultra ball...

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Probably an ultra ball or u cood use a timer ball after he is put to sleep. You could also try a luxury ball if u want, i almost caught him in one, im still trying to catch him.better yet use a master ball. it only takes one.