The EDGE DS won't work in the DSi, but several cards including the EDGE DS's successor the iEDGE will. A few include:R4i SDHCAcekard 2iEZFlash ViiEDGEThere are a few more genuine ones but also beware of fakes. The iEDGE in particular has one very prominent fake card. You can learn to tell the difference by visiting:http://www.ebuylife.comBest of luck!
No, it is not. You can own an EDGE (or iEDGE) card and do many things with it that are completely fine. You can even play Nintendo games in it legally - IF and ONLY IF you also own the real game (i.e. you back it up to this card).
Easy.All you have to do is click download for the edge.dat and then when the download screen pops up click save and save it straight onto your edge.Not quite accurate, goto download the OS file for either the DS or the DSI depending on your DS, save to desktop as this will be a zip file. then insert your edge adapter (with memory card) and extract the zip file to the adapter.Also, be wary as to whether your iEDGE is fake or genuine - there are a lot of fakes at the moment that are annoyingly similar to the real thing when you just look at the packaging. Take a look at: more information as to how to tell fakes from original cards.
It is possible to use a smart card with the Nintendo DS to play pirated games. This has been made illegal.
Blow on it 3 times.if that did not work then try taking the ds card out of your ds and put It under a tap!hope this helps :-)
All ds flash cards are backward compatible so the iEdge being a DSi card will work find on DS Original and DS Lite. You just can't take a DS Lite card and put it into a DSi. You can find the genuine iEdge at repuatable vendors like dscardworld.
The EDGE DS won't work in the DSi, but several cards including the EDGE DS's successor the iEDGE will. A few include:R4i SDHCAcekard 2iEZFlash ViiEDGEThere are a few more genuine ones but also beware of fakes. The iEDGE in particular has one very prominent fake card. You can learn to tell the difference by visiting:http://www.ebuylife.comBest of luck!
Flash cards for the DS let you do a lot of things that the DS doesn't do on its own like play backup games, music and video. I can recommend the iEdge card for being good for a beginner. You can get one from
R4 cards can be real ds cards too, but some are better then others. I can recommend the iEdge card for DS, as it's simple and stable and will run anything you need it to. I got mine from
No, it is not. You can own an EDGE (or iEDGE) card and do many things with it that are completely fine. You can even play Nintendo games in it legally - IF and ONLY IF you also own the real game (i.e. you back it up to this card).
Setup requires two major steps. Before you begin you have to determine if your iEdge has it's firmware flashed yet. When you turn on your DS, if you see a Sudoku Icon, then it's flashed, but if you see the black red rimmed edge icon then you still need to flash it (If it's flashed already then go to step 2). 1) Go to the the manufacturer's website and follow the instructions to flash your firmware. You'll need the iEdge Boostrap v2 and a specific Game ROM, Sudoku Puzzle Masters 0363, and the PDF with the instructions. 2) Once you have the iEdge flashed then copy over the iEdge menu Edge OSv1.11 or you'll get the "EDGE.DAT not Found" error. Reputable vendors like dscardworld flash the iEdge for you already, but that's the process to setting up the iEdge
For West-European customers,there is a good Belgian website in Dutch,french and Englisch,they selling the iEdge card,the website is On the official website from Edge : you can find more resellers.
You need to install the correct menu software or it won't load. See the related links section for a guide to updating your iEDGE card to work with the latest firmware.
Easy.All you have to do is click download for the edge.dat and then when the download screen pops up click save and save it straight onto your edge.Not quite accurate, goto download the OS file for either the DS or the DSI depending on your DS, save to desktop as this will be a zip file. then insert your edge adapter (with memory card) and extract the zip file to the adapter.Also, be wary as to whether your iEDGE is fake or genuine - there are a lot of fakes at the moment that are annoyingly similar to the real thing when you just look at the packaging. Take a look at: more information as to how to tell fakes from original cards.
NEVER use ANY liquid material to clean out a ds game card. It sometimes will error. So you blowed on the ds game card? Try blowing IN the ds. Id that doesn't work, get a toothpick or something sharp and try to scrap the dirt of the game card. But, if that doesn't work, your ds game card maybe have been broken. And possible ways of breaking it is throwing your ds around with the game IN it. So if non of the suggestions work, sorry for your luck.
It is possible to use a smart card with the Nintendo DS to play pirated games. This has been made illegal.
You cant, the ds system and ds card system work by saving data onto the game card itself, if it doesnt let you have more than one save file that's it you will have to suffer or buy another game