Blow on it 3 times.if that did not work then try taking the ds card out of your ds and put It under a tap!hope this helps :-)
drop your ds on the floor then smash it up with a big hammer, then put it all together again with glue, it may sound stupid but it does work cos i even tried it.
By buying a new one
It would depend on how damaged the cartage is.
Turn your Nintendo DS off. Then take the game out and blow everywhere on the back and blow where you put the DS game in. After you do that, put the game back in and turn it on. It won't be frozen anymore. Or for an easier way turn it off and turn it on again.
i have a similar problem
this is the EXACT same problem my friend had.. The answer.. it's just broken.. :( but you can send it in to Nintendo they'll fix it
Some game stores have a reputation for fixing broken sold hardware, but most of the time only from the seller can you get it fixed or replaced.
i would try blowing on and around the broken ds button. if that does not work i would call Nintendo ds customer service and see if they can help fix it.
you can not fix it it is brocken forever so bye a new one
You can't fix with your own tools. You should bring to a local video game to exchange with your warranty. If you don't have a warranty certify DS with Nintendo to get a free 30-day warranty.
drop your ds on the floor then smash it up with a big hammer, then put it all together again with glue, it may sound stupid but it does work cos i even tried it.
you have to reset the ds system or in some cases, wait
depending what kind of shop it is, then yes you can they can fix it (I'm not sure if they will charge you for them to fix it) and sell it
Depeds on how they are broken :l