

Best Answer

Yes the controlers are not regon locked

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Q: Will a Japanese Wii remote work on UK Wii console?
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Can a Wii remote blue work for Wii console black?

Yes. Any Wii remote will work on any Wii console, regardless of color

Will a Nintendo Wii remote from a previous console work on a new Wii console?

this works exelent i tried it and it works on the previous wii console i put all my "Mii's" onto my remote then i transfered them to my new remote it works no worries

Can American Wii games work with a Japanese Wii console?

Nintendo Wii Game Discs bought in the USA, will not workon a Japanese Wii.----You will have to modify a console for this to happen.If you modify a Nintendo Wii to do this, you will void your warranty on the console.----

Will a Japanese Wii Remote Control work with an American Wii?

yes it does.

Do you have to buy a Wii motion plus Wii remote and a Wii motion plus console?

No just Wii motion plus controller with normal wii should work There is no motion plus console

Does the black remote control work with the white console?

For the wii? I should think so.

Is you buy a Wii console from GAME do you get a Wii remote with it?

Yes, you do.

Does old wii games work on a wii motion plus console?

Yes, the original Wii games can be played by using a Wii Motion Plus Remote

Will the air gun for the Wii console purchased in the US work on a UK bought Wii console?

There is no air gun unless you are referring to the Wii Zapper. The Wii Zapper is a plastic attachment to your Wii Remote and Nunchuku. So there is no real electronic connection between them so it really doesn't matter what country your Wii remote is. So yes, it will work on all Wii Remotes. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Is a Wii a game console or what?

A Wii is a game console made by Nintendo and by moving the remote it does actions on the T.V.

What should you do when to old Wii remote suddnely stops connectiong to the Wii console?

You would have to put in newBatteries. if that does not work, try taking it to gamestop. there could be something wrong with the remote.

How do you power on your Wii?

Press the power button on the console, or if you have a Wii Remote connected to the console, the power button on the remote. The power button on the console is located to the top-left of the disk slot, and above the D-Pad on the remote.