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yes it does.

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Q: Will a Japanese Wii Remote Control work with an American Wii?
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Related questions

What is a remote control extender and how does it work?

Yes, that is what a remote control extender is for. It allows you to use a remote control at distances much farther than it is capable of. They work great, I have one myself actually.

Will us Nintendo Wii remote control work on UK Nintendo Wii?

American Wii Remotes work on a UK Wii, as they are not locked to one region

Get t v to work on remote control?

what station does the t v need to be on for dish remote to work

What is a sky remote control?

A Sky remote control is a remote control that works in sync with a Sky Digibox and TV. A Sky Digibox is a specific brand of cable boxes. Most of these remote control are universal and will work with any TV.

What types of control consoles are there for remote controlled cars?

Some examples of control consoles available for remote controlled cars include the traditional remote control gun and a joystick. It is now even possible to reprogram a universal remote control to work with remote controlled cars.

Do Japanese games work on a Nintendo wii in American?

Games are designed to work on hardware from specific regions.

Is there a remote control that will work with my TV, DVD player, and stereo system?

Yes, a universal remote will work with all of those.

Working principle of infrared remote control?

In this remote, the little LED light that controls the remote will emit the infra red spectrum. You will not see the light but the control will work.

Will a new remote control work with my current TV if I have lost it's original remote?

A new remote will usually work with your TV, as long as it a newer model and your remote carries the TV remote code.

Will an American ps3 remote work in Australia. and will American ps3 games work in Australia?

The controller will work and not the games

Sharp linytron tv model?

remote control will not work

Does the Discount Car Alarm Kit by HobbyTron come with a remote control?

No but it can work with the remote or engine lock.