

Best Answer

how about try off and on but switch it off the right way and also make sure Ur internet is working

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Q: Why wont my ps3 download game settings?
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Why wont my dc universe download to my ps3?

It might depend on how much data you need for the game because it is huge you will need about [18000mb for the game to download and even it it does download its gonna take about 5 to 6 hours.

Connect PS3 vai Mobile phone for internet?

If. U have android download quick settings and then settings get wifi hotspot turn on and connect to ps3.

How do you pause a PS3 download?

A PS3 game download can be paused by clicking "Download in Background." The PS3 can also be shut off, and when it is turned back on the download will resume.

Can you download ps2 games and put them on the ps3?

no you can not even download PS3 game except from the Playstation Store

Can you download PC game mods onto a PS3?

The PS3 will not play PC games and PC game Mods will not mod a PS3 game.

How do you get on castle crashers PS3 after you download it?

you download the demo and then you download the full game

How do you download ps3 game to harddrive?

You do not download the disc to harddrive you must purchase the game at the PlayStation store as a download to download the game to harddrive

Can you download US PS3 game to an Japanese PS3?

I dont know if you could DOWNLOAD US ps3 games to a japanese ps3, but you CAN play US ps3 disk games on a japanese ps3.

How do you download a game for ps3?

go to the PlayStation store and buy it then download it.

Can you download PC game mods on your ps3?

No PS3 games are not the same as a PC game with the same title

When can you download shrink School RPG for ps3?

This game isn't available to ps3.

Your ps3 says an error has occured when you try to download a game?

But a new PS3