The PS3 will not play PC games and PC game Mods will not mod a PS3 game.
You can either get them directly from the PlayStation Store using your PS3 (free or purchased mods), or you can download them directly from the PlayStation Store online with a PC, transfer them to a Flash Drive or Memory Stick, then load them onto your PS3 from there.
No PS3 games are not the same as a PC game with the same title
you can mod minecraft by buying a u.s.b cable on a website then you plug it into your pc/xbox/ps3 and then go onto files and click on minecraft and you can download mods WARNING:ONLY SOME MODS ARE FREE yours sincerely no caps
Use the USB port to download onto the PS3 harddrive
You can either get them directly from the PlayStation Store using your PS3 (free or purchased mods), or you can download them directly from the PlayStation Store online with a PC, transfer them to a Flash Drive or Memory Stick, then load them onto your PS3 from there.
No PS3 games are not the same as a PC game with the same title
I don't think so bub.
yes you can
you can mod minecraft by buying a u.s.b cable on a website then you plug it into your pc/xbox/ps3 and then go onto files and click on minecraft and you can download mods WARNING:ONLY SOME MODS ARE FREE yours sincerely no caps
don't no ha
Yes, you can install Fallout 3 PC mods from Fallout Nexus onto the PS3. For a tutorial, see:
You don't computer game mods will not work on the PS3 and the PS3 USB port does not go to the games section of the PS3 hdd to allow uploading of games, add ons, or mods
not if it says for psp only, its designed for you to download it from the ps3 then stick it straight onto the psp
No they could always have viruses or you get get your ps3 banned from going online.
You must have a PS3 with Playstation store account and purchase it from them with the complete MW3 DLC