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Update your M3 system

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Q: Why won't Pokemon platinum save on my M3?
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I have downloaded Pokemon Platinum US rom on to my M3ds Real. but when i play it i am unable to save i press save and it comes up with the normal do not turn off the power but it never goes away?

you have to update your m3 real

How do you save on Pokemon Soulsilver on m3ds real?

You need to copy the M3 Sakura SYSTEM to the M3DS Real. You can download it at link.

Does anyone have a cheat database for m3 sakura that has Pokemon platinum on it?

Third option from the bottom in the Main Menu. E: It reads 「レポート」 then select 「はい」

What is the density of platinum?

The density of platinum is approximately 21.45 grams per cubic centimeter.

Which is the lightest gold - lead or platinum?

Lead is the lightest among gold, lead, and platinum. Lead has a lower density compared to both gold and platinum.

Can you use wireless on your Pokemon platinum on your M3 DS REAL?

It worked fine for me. Although I had some odd problems on wifi, but nothing serious. I traded with my brother, we both have M3DS REALs.

Where can you download Pokemon cheats for M3?

code junkies

Action replay codes for Pokemon move modifier in Pokemon diamond?

i don't know anything of action replay codes but if u have an r4 or m3 or somthing u can find the save file but u need somthing called pokesav download it and laod the save file with it now u can edit evrything on your Pokemon game like a shiny bidoof with fissur and sheer cold

What code lets you find any Pokemon in the grass in pearl?

if you have a m3 or r4 enable the wild pokemon mod code (you will see all pokemon in that list) from the pokemon you want

What does r4 or m3 on Pokemon platinum mean?

r4 and m3 are ways of getting free games onto the ds and ds lite they use micro sd crads and a modified ds cart to play games on your ds they are not illeagal it only depends on the stuff you put on the card, for example it is illeagal to put ds games on it but is leagal to put music and movies dowladed from a site like i tunes

How do you get max masterball cheat in Pokemon diamond?

on R4 and M3 it is alredy loaded on and actio replay there is a code

Pokemon Battle Revolution can upload Pokemon with a chipped ds?

sorry no a chipped ds cannot connect to a wii i have an r4 and it didn't work with my friends' m3 real /simply or edge.