You need to copy the M3 Sakura SYSTEM to the M3DS Real.
You can download it at link.
on the main menu press new game it gives a warning that you can't save and it gives you a code to delete you game 8-)
Yes just save before trying to capture sudowoodo and keep restarting the game until its shiny.
you should save before you battle it so if it faints you can turn off your game and battle it again
no moltres doesnt respawn. But before you take any legendary pokemon on always save the game just in case you want to catch it but you make it faint.
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you cannot 'recatch' Dialga, but you can have multiple attempts if you save before battling Dialga. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, when you do the Arceus event, you automatically obtain your choice of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina.
you have to update your m3 real
This is a statement, not a question.
Of course! What do u think???? B)
yes, save the game before you choose a Pokemon and if you dont get it off the ds. :)
There isn't any guarantee, you can just wait and see if the save editors for Platinum will work.
You have to save a Kimono girl from team rocket grunt and a gentle man will give it to you in the dance theather
do not flee......if you faint i think he might be there still just save everytime b4 you battle him
Save your money. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver look absolutely awesome. I've played a couple Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games and grew bored with them very easily.
on the main menu press new game it gives a warning that you can't save and it gives you a code to delete you game 8-)
Yes just save before trying to capture sudowoodo and keep restarting the game until its shiny.
You press 'Up' on the control pad , press 'select',and then press 'B' at the same time on the title screen to delete your save file.
you have to beat someone in team rocket and you will get a team rocket uniform from him.then you have to go to the radio tower and the team rocket will let you pass.after that you have to beat team rocket and save the director.then you have to beat someone else so he will tell you where the real director is so you can save him