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The cartoony nature of Sonic leaves it being under-rated despite the fact that this is one of the darker and arguably more deserving of a higher rating games. There was clearly a lack of dedication placed on examining the themes of the game to determine what it should be rated.

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Q: Why is sonic 06 rated E10?
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Is there a Sonic game rated T?

Not as of yet. The closest so far is "Shadow the Hedgehog", which was rated E10+ due to swearing and violence.

What is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 rated?

Well, if your talking about the old one, it's rated G. But if your talking about the new one, nobody knows if it even exists. It's just a rumor so far. But I hope it comes true!

Why is sonic unleashed rated E10?

Because when sonic falls down on the ground he says were the H-E-C-K am i.And when sonic beats his enemys there are tons of vilonce.And when sonic the turns in to sonic the were-hog when he fights he does a hole chunk of vilonte moves

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The ESRB rated it E10, which is a 'U' in the UK.

What is Shadow the Hedgehog rated?

You must have seen this: image above is fan-made; the picture of Silver on the front is from the Sonic Rivals boxart, the screenshots on the back are from Sonic '06 (and are too high-res for a DS, anyways), and there are numerous grammatical errors on the back.As of when this was written, there is no Silver The Hedgehog game released, announced or otherwise.

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E10 and up

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ESRB didnt rate it. Everyone agrees it's e10