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Runescape could be slow because of: 1) Your computer doesn't support it 2) Your internet connection could be weak or too many people on the Internet connection at once causing you to lag or 3) You could be on a world with to many people, when this happens you go to the lobby and choose a world with fewer people on it.

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Why doesnt runescape load so you can get into your account?

Your computer might be slow. Slow computers cause accidents and sometimes you have to download JAVA.

Can you train def with a halberd on Runescape?

Yes, you can but it is very slow process as the weapon is slow

Does runescape slow down a computer?

While it's running, yes. It will not slow down you computer unless you are actively using it.

Why is runescape still lagging?

it is probably lagging because your in a populated placeor your computer is slow and have virus

How do you make runescape work faster?

If your computer loads slow, then you need to choose the lowest qualities.

Where is ge in RuneScape classic?

It doesn't exist. The Grand Exchange was an update in Runescape 2 (the current Runescape), so there is no G.E. in Runescape Classic.

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Runescape is one of the few games that is so well protected that there are no cheats, so stop looking

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Methods for training experience are either fast and expensive, or slow and cheap.

Is Satan armor real in runescape?

What do you mean "real"? The items on RuneScape are numbers and pictures on computers. So is your avatar. So is the entire RuneScape landscape.

What is a 2h sowrd it is a sowrd on runescape that is slow but strong.?

the 2h swords are yes slow but i cant say any 2h is fast but the god sword is slow but very powerful and the saradomin sword is fast and average strength it is like a whip but with a special attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2h swords are pretty good only they are slow and u cant wield a shield with so i give them 7.6/10

Can the Motorola Xoom run RuneScape?

Well I'm not sure, if it runs Java or adobe flash but if it does you can most definitely play runescape on it. It may not be that fast depending on its ram. I once played runescape on my iPhone because it was jail broken (legal) I downloaded a remote desktop. And logged into my p.c through that I got onto the internet and went to runescape (it was extremely slow) it was quite fun though. So you can probally do the same if it doesn't have Java or adobe flash.

What is RuneScape or Club Penguin?

Runescape is a so-called huge 3D MMORPG game.