Finish the quest Desert treasure and your home teleport will be Edgeville,
It depends how long you are on Runescape.
You can find these in most of the pubs located in RuneScape, or for sale at the Grand Exchange. One is located in Falador, right next to the TelePort Station.
unless you have a low lvl at magic then you will hav to walk there with your own mouse!! =P
South of Lumbridge. Lumbridge is the city where you start playing, and where you end up if you die, or do a home teleport.
you have to do the plague city quest then you can teleport there if not you have to take the long way and walk '.'
Teleport in members
Falador teleport gives you 48 Magic experience.
Finish the quest Desert treasure and your home teleport will be Edgeville,
Grand exchange
You open the window or the door or you will have to teleport
you can teleport to barbarian villiage.
Teleport to Varrock, and keep heading North.
Some can be random events, they take you to a certain place, where you doing something and then they take you back, usually followed by a reward.
He's just south of the Burthrope lodestone teleport.
Use "Home Teleport" if you are on normal magic.