Club Penguin is now owned by Disney because it was bought by Disney for $700M in late 2007. Many older Club Penguin users are angry about the purchase, as Disney introduced a lot more things including: 'The Stage', Wigs to dress your penguin avatar, and so on. I don't want to be bias, but I personally think the older version of Club Penguin was better. Does this help?(: Disney also RUINED club penguin by catalogs, free things, and much much MORE. DISNEY IS STUPID!
The beta test hat, it was released the day Penguin Chat was changed into Club Penguin by Disney....... But Club Penguin is way better!!!!!!!!!
Yes Disney is ruining clubpenguin Disney is NOT NOT NOT in charge of anything that Billybob, and the rest of the CP Staff do. Disney is what made Club Penguin much more popular, because Disney makes ads, and gets tons of money from it. If you don't like something on CP, it's most likely not Disney's fault. Club Penguin has been doing things that have you spend money, but this isn't Disney's idea. It's theirs. So, in simple terms, the answer is no. Disney is NOT ruining Club Penguin. YES IT IS EVERYONE ON YOUTUBE AGREES WITH IT
cuz their are so stupid
Unless There Is An Announcement On The Club Penguin Blog, Or A Hint Published By Club Penguin Or Disney, There Is No Way To Tell What The Next Party Will Be. Currently, There Has Been No Announcements/Hints Revealed.
Age recommendations for Disney Club Penguin are ages 6 & up.
they ruined club penguin, by letting Disney take over.
Club Penguin will only end if Disney goes out of business.
Disney 365 - 2006 Club Penguin was released on: USA: December 2007
Club Penguin is a site where you make a penguin, and chat with it. It is a Walt Disney site.
Club Penguin was created by three dudes, until its was bought by Disney
Club Penguin is a brand owned by Disney. There is no such thing as a 'Club Penguin Company' and there never has been. Even if there was, I'm sure they'd come up with a more creative name for it. ;)
The people that own Club Penguin is Disney. Club Penguin Entertainment (formerly New Horizon Interactive)
Club penguin is a website created by Disney, so it is for kids. If it was not, Disney wouldn't be,well, Disney! Besides, it's a website about penguins.