Unless There Is An Announcement On The Club Penguin Blog, Or A Hint Published By Club Penguin Or Disney, There Is No Way To Tell What The Next Party Will Be. Currently, There Has Been No Announcements/Hints Revealed.
It might be Christmas! Or Thanksgiving
The next party after the fall fair is the anniversery party in October - Master Talia 16:23/09/15/2007 (PST)
Rockhopper was last on club penguin at the Holiday Party 2012.
The mining helmet is an item that club penguin only releases when there is some form of construction on Club Penguin or.... there is some sort of party and you need the jack hammer right now (maybe not when you read this) but there is the game day party on to get the jackhammer walk over to where you jackhammer on your screen for your team colour and next to it is a jack hammer walk on top of it you will receive it!
at the party ofcors
The next party of club penguin after the Puffle Party 2013 is the Marvel Superhero takeover 2013.
The next party in Club Penguin starts on the 20th December 2012 and it's the Holiday Party. Rockhopper will be attending this party.
(May 2013) Next is the party of the arrival of card jitsu snow for club penguin.
under water expadition
probably a party ur mission
It might be Christmas! Or Thanksgiving
the next party in club penguin is an April fools party which will be held on the 29th of March and ends on the 2nd of April
Next week!
it will be green and blue
It is unconfirmed whether it will return or not.
No, there is no old party place on club penguin
A Party is everywhere on club penguin.