because the game footage is played on a newer platform i.e. a newer ps3 or xbox360 or pc. or it could be that it was played with a faster broadband speed.
When a game is being played, the computer is working hard, performing millions of calculations to control what is going on. Sometimes there's just too many things happening, the computer slows down and you get lag.
However a recording of the screen is different. Rather than have all those calculations going on Behind the Scenes, the recording is just a series of static snapshots which give the illusion of motion. This won't lag under normal circumstances, again a slow computer might struggle to play a huge video file in high definition.
as sad as it sound's youtube or google it. its easier to do with a video though
Yes. They are in the game Ice Climber.
Well, I'm not sure if this is what your looking for, but there's a really old arcade video game called Q*Bert. I don't think there is any actual "video game" (like an x-box game) that exists at this moment
You can either play the pokemon online trading card game from or play the actual games from the systems. Do an online search for an emulator for the video game system you want and download it. You can then download the pokemon game you want for that system, and play it! If you need any more help with emulators search them on google or youtube.
Video Game development is where you design your own video game.
If you mean the Dolphins-Jets game of January 1983, footage of that game is on YouTube.
Let's Play is recorded footage of a user playing a video game, along with a running commentary. The video is then commonly uploaded to YouTube for public viewing.
YouTube is definitely the best place to go if you are looking for footage of any of the Halo video games. You can watch video of multiplayer gameplay or of the single player campaign for free on YouTube.
Webcam, Camcorder, Or another recording device. there is no in game video recorder...
You have to get permission from the video game company before you can publish your videos on YouTube.
Do a request video on youtube for that or just type that you want to start a new game.\ \convincing=>game
On Youtube is where that video could be found.
type SUBSPACE EMMISARY CUTSCENES on youtube. it cannot be bought like a movie.
A great place to post video game how to's is on YouTube. By creating a video it is easier to show screen shots of the game and explain how to proceed through a game.
no it does not a video on youtube shows that it does
You can simply upload a video to a video hosting site such as Youtube, or more specifically upload it to machinima or any other game specific video game video hoster.
go to gamestop ign caws gamingring youtube and tna the video game site