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as sad as it sound's YouTube or Google it. its easier to do with a video though

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Q: How do you get unlimited game corner coins in FireRed?
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Where can you buy coins in Pokemon FireRed?

At the celadon city game corner a man behind the counter in the game corner will give you coins.

Where to buy thunderbolt in FireRed?

At the game corner exchange in celadon city using your game corner coins.

Where do you get a Porygon in Pokemon FireRed?

The only way to get porygon is buying it from the game corner exchange with 9,999 coins. You can buy coins at the game corner to make life a little easier.

How do you cach dartiny in Pokemon FireRed?

get 2800 coins for the game corner to trade you a dratini

Pokemon FireRed how to get polygone?

You can get him at the game corner in celadon city for 9999 game corner coins but for less in leaf green... I don't know why though...

Where can you find a TM for thunderbolt in FireRed?

You could get it at Celadon City in the game corner for 4,000 coins.

How do you get flamethrower in Pokemon FireRed?

It is found at the Celadon Game Corner and must be purchased for 4000 coins.

Where is TM35 Flamethrower in Pokemon FireRed?

It can be bought for 4000 coins in the game corner shop in Celadon city.

Pokemon FireRed Porygon?

The Pokemon porygon is obtained at the game corner exchange in celadon city you must buy porygon using your game corner coins it is 9,999 coins. Afterward if you evolve it you can breed it to get more.

Where is the move thunderbolt in FireRed?

It can be bought at the store next to the ROCKET GAME CORNER in CELADON CITY for 4000 COINS

Were do you find Abra in Pokemon FireRed?

Abra is found on route 24 another way to get it is by buying it at the game corner exchange in celadon city using your game corner coins.

Where do you get tm thunderbolt in firered?

In Celadon City there is a game corner get 4,000 coins then go into the game corner exchange talk to the lady behind the right counter and buy the TM.