there is no contest house in Pokemon emerald
I don't remember... I lost my Pokemon Emerald Game.
It shouldn't be being erased anyway. My guess is that you have a faulty game. |( It might be possible to fix though
Dialga is not in that Pokemon Emerald. Back when that game was made, Dialga didn't exist.
Pokemon Emerald,Ruby and Sapphire
Save on an 128k at options- emulator-save type-flash 128k then the message of corruption or damage will not appear and your game after you beat elite four will probably not be erased.
There may be something wrong with your Emerald game try resaving your game or cleaning the game pak.
save again by the way the game lies
You can not get it back.
the game is erased because it is a fake. migrating or playing another game will erase it. if you want to migrate take this advice. i too tried migrating, but my game was erased, twice. so my friend got Pokemon ruby and i borrowed it, (or if you have two DS') and i traded rayquaza, kyroge, groundon, etc,etc,ect. and i migrated from a REAL copy. if you want to migrate anyway.
Pokemon emerald is a game based on the Pokemon this game,you can catch pokemon,battle trainers,and trade pokemon.:)
My Pokemon emerald doesnt save aswell does yours say the the saved data has been deleted? or/and The saved data has been deleted due to corruption or damage? plz email me back
yes you can trade pokemon leafgreen pokemon to pokemon emerald version same as pokemon fire.
If You Migrated Your Pokemon Are Not in the game Anymore
No Pokemon Emerald is currently out of stock at both Game and Gamestation. Gamestation was acquired by Game in 2007.
That makes no sense. Do you mean how do you beat Pokemon Emerald for the Game boy?
No, players cannot get a Dobby for the Pokemon Emerald version of the game. Pokemon Emerald released in the United States in 2005.