Do you mean that when you mine diamond ore (stone with blue dots), it doesn't drop diamond. If that's the case, then you mined it with the wrong tool.
You will need an Iron Pickaxe (or better).If you mine it with a wood/stone pickaxe it will break and give you nothing.
Minecraft beta is not free, you have to pay to play it. Any website attempting to give you Minecraft for free is illegal. If you find a site like this do not download anything from it as it is not only illegal, but may contain viruses.
all you have to do is get a zombie, or skeleton, or zombie pigman, and then give them a steve head. also you could give them clothes to look nice. the clothes dont have to look like steve clothes.
no they don't give viruses
The efficiency of a pickaxe in minecraft is the speed at which the pickaxe can mine materials.
When you mine a diamond ore you have to use either an iron a diamond pickaxe. Anything else will just remove the block and not leave any diamonds left.
You will need an Iron Pickaxe (or better).If you mine it with a wood/stone pickaxe it will break and give you nothing.
You dont have to do anything if you dont wanna do it
basically anything that would be a sign of weakness. like dont call her dont give her anything and dont give her any attention basically. if she thinks you've moved on she'll want you more.
dont give anything to your dog that isnt good for him
No, and no.
Minecraft beta is not free, you have to pay to play it. Any website attempting to give you Minecraft for free is illegal. If you find a site like this do not download anything from it as it is not only illegal, but may contain viruses.
No, not at all, if you download it from the Minecraft Forums. Almost all software on the MCForums is safe. I can't say anything about anywhere else.
the pyramids give you alot of diamonds :)
There are no dolphins in minecraft
You dont give it anything just get it to level 20 then use a dawn on it